3 Benefits of Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning is a reliable method of teaching for higher education. It combines online and in-person learning as some students watch virtually and others go to the classroom. This dynamic can change or evolve based on each class, which makes it ideal for colleges and universities that have countless classes and majors. The benefits of hybrid learning are clear.

Hybrid learning can improve the flexibility and customization of classes, the accessibility of learning, and the use of tools during courses. This experience facilitates an all-around better teaching and learning environment for educators and students in higher ed. As a student, you may choose to stay at home while you learn or live on campus and attend in-person.

Though it has been an option for several years, the pandemic has emphasized its importance and functionality. It’s more essential than ever that educators find a way to connect students while keeping everyone physically safe.

They can curate schedules based on what works for them while still getting the access and resources they need to succeed. Though this modern approach to the classroom has strengthened during the pandemic, the growing benefits can help it stick around for much longer.

A male student on his computer with a mask on in a classroom, participating in hybrid learning.

1. Time Management

Time management is a necessity in higher education. Without the proper time management skills, students and educators can easily fall behind on their work. However, with hybrid learning, they can control their lectures and learn in a more efficient way.

In fact, according to a survey, 87% of students said better time management would help them improve their grades.

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For instance, some professors choose to pre-record their lectures and allow remote students to watch them at any time. This dynamic lets in-person students attend the synchronist class, but more independent, remote students can choose when they schedule the lecture into their available time. Recorded lectures also help absent students catch up more practically.

With hybrid learning, students have more flexibility with their time and can improve their overall performance in school as a result. They’ll meet deadlines, collaborate more, and be able to focus on their passions.

2. Accessibility

Not all people who wish to attend higher education have access to colleges and universities. This could be because the pandemic currently makes travel unsafe or because people don’t have the means to afford in-person classes. In 2018, higher education enrollment stayed at 88%, the same number from 2013.

To increase this number, hybrid learning can provide more learning opportunities. As colleges and universities expand their learning options, people can turn to online learning should they see fit. From any location, students can participate in their classes just as the students in the classroom are doing.

The same concept applies to students who are studying abroad. If they can’t travel to campus, they can learn online while the rest of the class participates in-person. The balance creates more accessibility for people who want to learn.

A female student raising her hand with a mask on in a classroom, participating in hybrid learning.

3. Resource Availability

Hybrid learning helps students and educators use resources more efficiently, whether it’s tutoring or technology usage. As some students learn from home, professors can use platforms like Zoom and online grading systems to quickly connect with students just as they do with in-person learners.

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As a student, you can also find tutors online who can work with hybrid learning. If you need to learn from a distance for some weeks, you can create a balance. Even for high school students who need assistance with AP classes on their way to higher education, hybrid learning models provide more resources and methods.

In addition, professors can set virtual office hours separate from those used for in-person learners. This separation helps balance the needs of each student as well as improve upon what each group needs.

Hybrid Learning Is Here to Stay

Hybrid learning is an effective way to engage students and professors alike. It provides access to a new form of learning, various resources, and a better way for students to be more flexible with their time.

On top of these benefits of hybrid learning, you’re also able to make an easy switch to a fully online model should COVID-19 cases spike.

Furthermore, this connection upholds a strong sense of community in and out of the classroom. Whatever your preference, you can collaborate and participate with classmates and engage with your instructor. These actions are necessary to foster the most beneficial learning environment possible.

Thanks to these benefits, and even after the pandemic’s impact, it’s more than likely that higher education facilities will offer more online resources moving forward. With such a major impact on learning, it makes sense that colleges and universities act in the best interests of students and instructors alike.

Ben Kapon

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