Booth UC and Cybint Solutions Join Forces to Take a Byte out of Cybercrime by Launching Cyber Literacy Courses

CYBINT NEWS / CANADA / APRIL 4, 2018 – Cybercrime is growing exponentially, posing tremendous threats to our financial markets, undermining public confidence, violating our privacy and costing hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Major surveys have found that about half of Canadians have fell victim to cybercrime in the last four years, and only a few of them know how to respond to cybersecurity threats.

Booth UC, in partnership with global cyber education leader Cybint, is answering the call and offering two online cyber literacy training courses this fall. The courses are relevant for anyone, anywhere, including the public, students and professionals who are hoping to stay ahead of the growing trend in cybercrime.

Using a unique “micro-learning” concept for maximum retention, and self-paced, interactive modules, these courses offer a comprehensive overview of cybercrimes, covering terminology, best practices to protect against cyber threats, unique online search and analysis techniques, and methods to uncover hidden data and recover deleted data from around the web.

Angela Davis, associate professor and chair of the business program at Booth UC, says, “Educating everyday users, employees or both on cybersecurity risks is key today.  These courses provide that education and also include practical tools that students can start using today. Again on the cutting edge, in addition to our financial crimes major in the BBA program, Booth UC is providing unique opportunities for the community-at-large to improve literacy in cybersecurity.”

“Cyber literacy has become a core necessity within the workplace, and the demand for expertise in the cybersecurity and cyber intelligence fields continues to grow,” says Roy Zur, Cybint CEO and global cybersecurity and cyber intelligence expert.  “Our programs are designed to provide cyber literacy at both the individual level and managerial level – creating a broad network of cyber expertise that extends beyond typical technical expertise and adds value in any professional or business environment.”

RELATED:  National Cyber Security Awareness Month

To follow the story, visit our hashtag #BoothUCybint on Twitter. Also shared on Business Insider.

About Booth University College

William and Catherine Booth University College was established in 1982 in downtown Winnipeg. A private university college with open enrolment, Booth University College is a Christian university of choice, anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of social justice, hope and mercy for all and committed to Education for a Better World. Click on for more information

About Cybint Solutions

Cybint Solutions is a Cyber Education company committed to solving the skills-gap and market shortage in cybersecurity through innovative education and training solutions for all levels of expertise. Cybint integrates emerging cyber technologies, hands-on environments and evergreen content into a cutting-edge learning platform for businesses, higher-education institutions, government agencies and regional cyber centers worldwide. With an eye toward preparing the next generation of cyber experts, Cybint creates a deep and powerful global network of cyber knowledge that goes far beyond typical technical expertise. To further address the critical workforce shortage in the industry, Cybint launched the Cyber Talent Network platform which helps match qualified cyber professionals with employers in their region based on the candidates’ skills and capabilities.

Cybint was founded as a collaboration of military-trained cybersecurity and intelligence experts, industry professionals and well-seasoned educators.

Ben Kapon

Exciting News: Cybint joins ThriveDX - Read the announcement or visit the site!