E-Learning: How the Coronavirus Has Changed Education Forever

With the onslaught of COVID-19—a pandemic unlike any other the world has seen since the Spanish Flu of 1918—everyone’s lives have changed drastically. This change also happened very quickly so, without much time to mull over educational details, all learning was forced online as everyone had to self-isolate in their homes, effective immediately. The traditional classroom setting, sadly, has become a thing of the past out of sheer necessity.


So, what does this mean for education? Well, everything is now online and electronic learning (e-learning) is the new normal (at least for now and the foreseeable future).

The Rise of E-Learning

Many faculty members are unfamiliar with online teaching practices (even though it has become popular in certain circles) and feel as if their jobs will be threatened by this new way of teaching. Of course, there’s no choice in the matter since the spread of the coronavirus must be combatted but that doesn’t mean that a new way of learning and living isn’t taking its toll on teachers as well as students. Of course, cybersecurity teachers and students are more computer savvy than most and will likely adapt more readily to this shift. Still, the allure of the traditional classroom is sorely missed by many. Sitting amongst one’s peers in front of a blackboard with a teacher lecturing front and center is what we all imagine when we think of an educational setting. Now, sitting in front of a screen is the new standard.

According to Times Higher Education, Universities have quickly adapted and gone to great lengths to embrace this new kind of e-learning. For instance: “those who had experience with online teaching and tools were proactive in helping colleagues adapt their courses. While some are no doubt concerned about being able to achieve their intended learning outcomes, they are also excited about the technical barriers they have overcome and all that they have learned.” By learning to creatively use technology in the online classroom, certain teachers will be forever changed for the better.

RELATED:  The Global Cybersecurity Skills Gap

With positive reinforcement, a well-scaffolded lesson plan, and a little patience, an online learning experience can be an incredibly positive one. E-learning can actually promote more interactivity among students and provide opportunities that may not have been possible before.

Education and Cybersecurity

This is an incredibly exciting time for students learning cybersecurity and for that adept at information technology with advanced computer skills. Because e-learning has quickly taken over in institutes of higher education and their focus will need to “shift from basic training on tools to more advanced training incorporating course design and assessment of learning,” students with advanced knowledge of computers will find this incredibly stimulating and rewarding. With the improved use of online tools, students, as well as faculty, will be forced to learn how to solve technology-related teaching challenges. This should be exciting for anyone in the sphere of IT and cybersecurity.

As Cybint is a cyber education company that offers programs such as Cybersquad for K12 along with bootcamps, they are burgeoning with information on how to make the field of cybersecurity accessible to everyone, especially now with online training.

Ben Kapon

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